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Free Stenography Courses


Members of the Nebraska Court Reporters Association periodically lead sessions of Project Steno and A to Z stenography courses.  The classes are conducted via Zoom by volunteers reporters from around the state.  We will guide you through the process of signing up, obtaining a machine, and providing resources to enroll in school and the Nebraska Court Reporters Association.


For more information and upcoming dates, click here. 


If you are a current reporter or captioner and would like to participate in co-leading a free course in your area, contact us here for support. 


Project Steno’s Basic Training course is a free hands-on intro-to-steno course where you will learn the rudiments of machine shorthand theory.  That’s the keyboard system used by professional court reporters and captioners to capture high-speed speech verbatim using a Stenograph machine.  In just six sessions, you’ll discover how the magic is done!

Take a free six-week online course to learn the basics of steno writing to discover if a career in captioning or court reporting is the right career for you.  

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